Episode 57 – NYC Cantina Q&A + Spoilers!

JD discusses his opinions on the latest and greatest happenings in the world of SWTOR. In this episode JD released the audio from the NYC Community Cantina 2014 and goes through his extensive notes from the end. Possible major spoilers in this episode, but most of the story spoilers are clearly called out! All this and an idea fresh off the Wall of Crazy in this episode of the Unnamed SWTOR Podcast.

Flash Drive Assets:


Intro Theme Courtesy of SpellingPhailor:

Interview Transition Theme:
the fugitive by geir tjelta

Transition Theme:
Crash Of The First Interstellar Channel by 2NRO8OT:

The TV-Asteroid by 2NRO8OT:

Outro Theme:
The Voyage to Rushjet1:

Friend of SWTOR link: http://www.swtor.com/r/j4Yqrr

14 thoughts on “Episode 57 – NYC Cantina Q&A + Spoilers!

  1. Great podcast, thank you for shareing all these info. Im just little disappointed with where the story is going, to me it just dont make sense, I hope the devs have some surprise for us in the end.

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  3. Pingback: Stronghold mindenkinek, Bounty Contract Week, Cantina Tour és újabb információk a kiegészítőről. | Star Wars: The Old Republic Hungary

  4. Pingback: RunicPortal » SWTOR dev spoilers from the NYC cantina tour

  5. Pingback: SWTOR dev spoilers from the NYC cantina tour - Pure Anarchy dot Net

  6. Pingback: SWTOR dev spoilers from the NYC cantina tour | MMOCraze

  7. Pingback: SWTOR dev spoilers from the NYC cantina tour

  8. Wait, two glaring questions that I don’t even remotely expect you to have the answer to, I’m just putting them out there. I’ll be super vague for those who avoided the spoilers

    1) Why would Revan want to execute this plan? Considering past canon Revan…doesn’t fit.

    2) BW did not answer why the Empire would hate him for this.

    on another note, I really hope that though Revan is defeated, he isn’t killed off. Maybe something happened to him that explains this turn he’s made and your defeat of him undoes this. Maybe its to excise a certain “corruption” from you-know-who.

    • Just speculation by me, but I would assume that because of his position as a boss that he will survive and eventually join your side in fighting the one he was aiding previously.

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